Whitney Houston’s iconic portrayal of diva Rachel Marron in the 1992 movie adaptation by Mick Jackson is still fondly remembered...
“The Rishta,” written by critically acclaimed novelist, playwright, and teacher Uzma Jalaluddin, and directed by the talented Masha Bashmakova, has...
If you are a fan of soul, pop, and jazz, then tonight’s highly energetic performance by singer SHAHARAH and her...
Based on the beloved Disney film, Aladdin is a thrilling musical that is taking North America, and Montreal’s Place des...
Tentacle Tribe , the Canadian-Swedish choreographic power duo Emmanuelle Lê Phan and Elon Höglund is a force to be reckoned...
India Rosa is the new destination to try in Montreal’s hip Griffintown neighborhood! I was initially invited to the official...
Tonight the 5th edition of L’Alcôve, an alluring and glamorous burlesque show that features both local and international showgirls is...
Next April 4th at 8:00 p.m., as part of the Captures d’audace en scène series, the Rewild collective proposes <Quien...
Have you ever been to a country where you didn’t know the language and struggled to communicate with the locals?...
The influence of the Italians on Bach’s harpsichord When Bach discovered Italian music and especially Vivaldi’s concertos, his writing underwent...