Discover the untold story of the couple’s unique relationship and the artistic journey that led to the creation of the...
Come on out for our next PBS KIDS Play Date! Friday, October 25 at 10 AM Join us for a not-so-scary...
Calling all teenage filmmakers! The 2024-25 Beyond the Peaks Student Film Festival is officially open for entries. Celebrating its 6th year...
Yesterday , Montreal was treated to a dazzling triple bill performance by Ballet BC held at Théâtre Maisonneuve, Place des...
Whether you’re a racing novice or an aficionado, you’ll be rooting for your horse from the opening bell until the...
Al Capone: the quintessential self-made American man, ruthless killer or both? Just his name sparks images of pin-stripe suits and...
Montreal’s iconic Centaur Theatre is about to transport you into a world where Chekhov meets modern Quebec in its latest...