“Pentacle,” composed for two harps in the 1920s by Carlos Salzedo, is not only a challenging piece for the harp...
The eclectic sounds of clarinetist David Krakauer and South African pianist Kathleen Tagg will resound through a virtual concert on...
Philippe Van Eetvelt paints using the keys of a piano and a machine he created to mix color with music....
Plattsburgh native Dr. Jonathan Aceto returns home on occasion, where he can impress his friends and former neighbors with the...
You’re invited to enter a world of irrational artwork at the Hyde Collection in Glens Falls, New York this summer. ...
Musician Rob Schwimmer’s fingers know their way around a keyboard, but he also mastered an unusual instrument that is not...
Hill and Hollow Music founder and director Angela Brown posted this surprising news on her website: “The 2024-25 concert season will...
Hill and Hollow Music launches its 25th season this year. To commemorate 25 years of bringing thousands of professional musicians...