The spirit of Leonard Cohen resonated through the hallowed halls of the Cabaret du Casino de Montréal this past weekend, as renowned...
They grew up believing their land was paradise. Now, they risk everything in escaping it. In an unforgettable documentary, follow...
Experience the magical moments of Celine Dion’s record-breaking, sold-out 2008-09 world tour, that spanned five continents, 25 countries, 93 cities...
The syrinx, which is the essential organ that allows birds to sing and produce their delightful melodies, shares its name...
Catherine Villeneuve has always admired the voice and vivacity of Canada’s beloved songstress Céline Dion! This October 15th, 8pm at Théâtre...
Last night, the eagerly anticipated pre-showing of “Histoire sans paroles: Harmonium Symphonique the Film” took place at Montreal’s Cinema Quartier...
This series brings to life the many detectives of late Victorian London who were “The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes,” from...
Last Friday, on October 13, at La Maison Symphonique, classical music lovers in Montreal witnessed a mesmerizing journey through the...
Whether you’re completely new to the world of opera or if you are a veteran bel canto lover or even singer ,...
The “12 cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic” and the “Cello Octet Amsterdam”, have entertained Europeans and tourists alike over the...