Watch our Mountain Lake PBS documentary on the Ice Storm. Mountain Lake PBS Alum Paul Frederick produced this look at...
A new film captures the passion that inspires climbers to scale the 46 Highest Peaks in the Adirondack Mountains. Director...
Blake shares the story of how they were able to get such stunning aerial images, including one that he says...
A farm in the Adirondacks devoted to abandoned and abused horses who need a special kind of care is taking...
Our election preview includes two big ballot questions. Proposition 1 asks voters if New York should by-pass the Legislature &...
A small company in Saranac Lake, NY is taking products from nature and turning them into a spray that keeps...
Blake talks about one of the High Peaks being named in honor of the matriarch of the 46ers Club, Grace...
After capturing moments in history including one of the most famous speeches by the late Ronald Reagan, a retired White...
A new documentary on a unique memorial preserved for nearly 50-years by the community of Port Henry, NY in memory...
Should NY hold a constitutional convention to reform state government and should Adirondack communities be allowed to use small parcels...