New York City choreographer Rebecca Kelly spends her summers in the Adirondacks of northern New York State. Many of the...
Internationally acclaimed photographer Mark Hobson imagines a grim future for the Adirondacks. “Spotlight” segments are supported, in part, by the...
With warmer winters, Jack LaDuke reports on new high-tech equipment that’s giving Mother Nature a helping hand on the slopes...
Should New York reform how it classifies and manages wild lands in the Adirondack Park? Many stakeholders, who have taken...
The state is providing 2-million dollars to help build a new hotel in downtown Tupper Lake. Betsy Lowe and Nancy...
Michael Bacon performs a tribute to the Adirondacks, his summer home. He composed the song when asked to perform a...
A new program in the Adirondack region aims to unify Clinton and Essex counties through art. This “Spotlight” segment originally...
It may be an “Adirondack Thing.” That might explain why members of the talented Bacon family have collaborated with producer...
Our Jack LaDuke has the story of a young entrepreneur from Tupper Lake, New York, has turned grinding and packaging...
The big surprise, actually the two little surprises that arrived at the a wildlife refuge in the Adirondacks. The Adirondack...