Mountain Lake PBS will be broadcasting at reduced power during morning hours on Thursday and Friday. Thanks for your patience as we complete this necessary maintenance.

Make-a-Wish Raises Money for Kids with Critical Illnesses

With the holidays here, Make-A-Wish has kicked-off it’s yearly Adopt-A-Wish campaign to help grant wishes for kids from here in the North Country with a critical illness.

This year, two wish recipients were on hand to help launch the annual Adopt-A-Wish fundraiser. 9 year-old Jimmy Briaddy from Saranac Lake and 16 year-old Aubrie Girard from Plattsburgh had their wishes granted earlier this year. Now, as wish ambassadors, both say they like giving back, and helping to provide hope and comfort to other kids in need. The Adopt-A-Wish booth will be set up at Champlain Centre Mall in Plattsburgh and Aviation Mall in Queensbury through December 31st selling stars to raise money for kids’ wishes. You can find a full list of locations, businesses and schools offering the Adopt-A-Wish stars at the Make-A-Wish Northeast New York website:

You can also call the local coordinator, Lorretta Cappiello at 518-570-6257 to become a volunteer.