On the series premiere of Soundscapes, singer/songwriter Taylor LaValley takes the stage at the Strand Center Theatre. Watch as Taylor...
Singer/songwriter Giovanina Bucci brings her distinct mix of blues, soul, and folk to the stage of the Strand Center Theatre...
On this episode of Soundscapes, guitarist Dan Martin performs a medley of meditative works. This episode originally aired on 8/6/21....
Pianist and SUNY Plattsburgh professor Adrian Carr enchants viewers from behind the keys at the Strand Center Theatre on episode...
Singer/songwriter and Crane School of Music student Lydia von Hof is introduced to audiences through her blend of jazz and...
Cellist and Crane School of Music professor Marie-Élaine Gagnon performs a collection of covers from classical composers at the Strand...
The duo of fiddler Gretchen Koehler and pianist Daniel Kelly close out this season of Soundscapes with a lively mix...