“Weinstein” | Trailer | FRONTLINE

How the Hollywood mogul allegedly sexually harassed and abused dozens of women over four decades. With allegations going back to Weinstein’s early years, the film investigates the elaborate ways he and those around him tried to silence his accusers.

“Weinstein” premieres Friday, March 2 at 9 p.m.

  1. Its called living in an era of inconsistency where morals were left up in the air so anything anyone did might be excused as long as you have the proper ideological views and donate to the right political campaigns. This is the biggest case of CYA I have ever seen by an entire industry. And you still don’t get it. And you are still not asking if Hillary had been elected would women have been more or less likely to come forward. “I did not have sex with that woman.” He lied to the USA obstructed justice and Hillary was still dishing dirt on his victims during their election bid, “trailer trash”?

  2. Stan, have you seen the plans for the new schools being built? Is there built in security features built in place?Know when I was Conway,S.C. I was impressed with the security at their High School First during school hours the only entrance that you could enter only allowed you into a entrance foyer. Which had a second set of doors which were electronically controlled. You told a person behind a bulletproof window your business and the person either buzzed you in or gave you what you wanted through s drawer like a drive in bank window. All the windows were mounted high enough so you could not walk up and look in or shoot into classroom. They also had cameras on every exterior door. The final thing that I know they did was have to Resource Officers in school. Until we change the designs of schools we are not being serious about solving the problem. Banning AR-15″s is just a feel good move that will not stop mass shootings at schools. Having armed teachers will confuse first responders when they run toward the sound of gunfire.

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