Our Monkton translator virtual channel numbers (previously 25.1, 2 and 3) have been changed to 57.1, 57.2 and 57.3.

The Resilient Ones: A Generation Takes on Climate Change

Go on a journey with a group of high school students seeking solutions to climate change. The Resilient Ones: A Generation Takes on Climate Change invites you along to meet with the local leaders and expert innovators as these students work to make a difference in the Adirondack mountains of Northern NY.

Full Length Film

Excerpts and Trailer

Forest Farming
Jerry Jenkins on Solutions

Educational Resources

Youth Climate Summit Tool Kit: Youth Climate Summit is an educational conference for youth, produced by community organizations to create an opportunity for learning, dialogue and action on climate change. The tools in this kit provide an essential framework for a successful Summit.

PBS LearningMedia Resources: These resources, provided by PBS LearningMedia are designed to help you bring The Resilient Ones: A Generation Takes on Climate Change into the classroom. PBS LearningMedia is a free service provided to educators by Mountain Lake PBS. 

[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h3]

[accordion-item title=”1. Carbon Footprint”]

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint: The Role of Markets | Energy CO2 and Our Carbon Footprint

Grade Levels: 6-12
Students will Learn about carbon dioxide and carbon footprints in this video by Prairie Public.

Managing Your Energy Budget

Grade Levels: 6-12
Students will experience an inequitable resource distribution (using a circular treat like cake or pizza) and electronically calculate their own Ecological Footprint.

Understanding Air: Climate Change and Modeling Combustion with LEGO Bricks

Grade Levels: 5-8
In this lesson, students learn about the components of air and the chemical reactions that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. They model combustion using LEGO bricks, and explore the connection between carbon dioxide, climate change, and environmental health.


[accordion-item title=”2. Indicators of Climate Change”]

Ancient Ice and Future Climate

Grade Levels: 6-12
In this interactive produced by WGBH, graphs derived from evidence in ice core samples help to accurately define the relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature over the past 400,00 years.

Seasons on Earth

Grade Levels: 6-12
Students study satellite data and explore an example of long-term climate change to learn about the seasons, changes in climate, and the role of Earth’s tilted axis.


[accordion-item title=”3. Rapid Change Over the Last Several Decades”]

Redwoods and Climate Change

Grade Levels: 6-12
In this video, we follow a group of UC Berkeley scientists to the top of a 320-foot redwood in Mendocino County. See how scientists are trying to predict how the remaining redwoods and their descendants might fare in the face of climate change in the decades to come.

Thermal Pollution: Warmer Temperatures Can Hurt Fish

Grade Levels: K-3
Learn how changes in temperature affect fish in this video from CYBERCHASE and how changing temperatures threaten our oceans.


[accordion-item title=”4. Global Impacts of Climate Change”]

Global Warming

Grade Levels: 9-12
Students examine the issue of global warming. They calculate how much carbon dioxide all the machines they use produce in one day.

The Effects of Global Warming in Alaska

Grade Levels: 6-12
In this media-rich lesson, students learn how global warming is changing the Alaskan environment and examine the consequences of climate change on the region’s human and wildlife inhabitants.

Global Climate Change: Understanding the Greenhouse Effect

Grade Levels: 6-12
Students study past climate change, explore the effect of greenhouse gases on Earth’s atmosphere today, and consider human impact on global warming.



Buy the DVD

[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h3]

[accordion-item title=” The Students”]

Cody Bary
Erin Weaver
Gina Fioreli


[accordion-item title=”The Experts”]

Amy Seidl, Author, Faculty member UVM

Jonathan Comstock, Research Support Specialist, Cornell University

Steve Gabriel, Cornell University, Cooperative Extension

Mary Evelyn Tucker, Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar, Yale University

Curt Stager, Professor of Natural Sciences, Paul Smith’s College

Corrie Miller, Executive Director, Ausable River Association

Jerry Jenkins, Wildlife Conservation Society

Roger Doiron, Founder, Kitchen Gardeners International

Lucas Christenson, Co-owner, Fledging Crow Vegetables

Ken Mudge, Dept. of Horticulture, Cornell University

Jen Kretser, Director of Programs, The Wild Center, Tupper Lake, NY

Larry Master, Intervale Lowlands, Lake Placid, NY

Ian Shapiro, Founder and co-owner, TAITEM Engineering


[accordion-item title=”Producers”]

Bright Blue EcoMedia has an educational mission to communicate transitional strategies through film. As a unique blend of academics, media professionals, educators, and artists, we are dedicated to communication of positive solutions. Our creative team has worked together in various forms over the past twenty years. Over the past few years, our vision of combining rich educational content with high quality video production has crystallized as Bright Blue EcoMedia. We believe that entertaining, high quality films, teacher’s guides, and new media can be powerful communication tools, translating complex issues to audiences of all ages.

Mountain Lake PBS produces high quality programs for local and worldwide audiences, reaching over 3.9 million viewers in New York, Vermont, Quebec and Ontario. The station also provides a host of education and outreach services for learners of all ages and devotes at least eight hours a day to programming for children.

Mountain Lake PBS’ mission is to celebrate and strengthen the civic and cultural life of the Mountain Lake region by providing distinctive telecommunications programs and services that inform, educate, involve and entertain.


[accordion-item title=”Special Thanks”]

Debby Connors
Richard Pietrowitz 
Michael Britton
HB Logan-Dechene
Elizabeth Kochar
Nancy K Simpkins
Shannon Bartholomew
Jon Erickson
Amazon Rainforest Workshops
Mark Ascher
Margaret E. Prough
Colin Powers
Brendan Wiltse
Lisa Kalner Williams
Chad Jelinski
Jenny Alewyne Reynolds
Kathryn Blume
Elizabeth M. Hood
Debra Davey
Akin Demirci
Derek berg
Glenn M Gungel
Amy Vedder
David Mason
Matthew Erickson
Russel and Bonnie Meredith
Marta Ceroni
Carol P. Weingeist
Gary Hawley
Helen Demong
Mary Shine
Laura Smith
Herrick Cross Jr
Amy Seidl
Dominic Frongillo
Paul Paulson
Victor Guadagno
Tracey Laszlo
Carolyn Goodwin Kueffner
Mark Milby
Stan Dahl
Tom Shine
Margaret Searing
Jennifer Kretser
Les and Carol Delorimier
Joseph Fiorile
Sam Samman
Michael Feldstein
Thomas and Christine Keyes
James Maroney
Peg Finkle
todd sheaffer
Ron Solo
Carol carr
Deena and Mark McCullough
Daniel Swinton
Dan Sibo
Ruth Fishbeck
Cami Davis
darren jachts
Heather Sullivan-Catlin
Marcie Hanaburgh
Rhonda Jacobs
Ben Falk
Tristan Taber
Cindy Shine
Gabrielle C Dube
Jacqueline Kelleher



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