For many years, generous donors have supported the efforts of Mountain Lake PBS through the charitable organization the Canadian Friends of WCFE-TV 57. Canadian viewers and donors have played an essential role in the success of this station on both sides of the border. Your support of Canadian Friends of WCFE-TV 57 has contributed significantly to the ability of Mountain Lake PBS to remain a vital service with trusted public affairs, arts and science, award-winning children’s programs, and exceptional local programming that illuminates this region.
Canadian Friends of WCFE-TV 57 was notified that as of December 3, 2022 their charitable status has been revoked by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Due to this CRA decision, donations received after that date will no longer qualify as tax-deductible contributions. Donations received before December 3, 2022 are not impacted.
Mountain Lake PBS is exploring a possible partnership with another Canadian charity which would allow Canadian viewers to support our shared mission of nonprofit public and educational and educational outreach and services in Canada with a tax-deductible donation. We will keep you informed as this develops in the coming weeks.
We hope this decision will not impact your choice to continue to support the educational and charitable mission of Mountain Lake PBS. If you have any questions about this matter, please feel free to contact the Mountain Lake PBS member services department at 800-836-5700 or