Our Monkton translator virtual channel numbers (previously 25.1, 2 and 3) have been changed to 57.1, 57.2 and 57.3.

United Way Honored With BBB Torch Award

The United Way of the Adirondack Region has been honored with a prestigious award from the Upstate New York Better Business Bureau. The BBB’s Torch Award is given to businesses and non-profits, like the United Way, who demonstrate ethical business practices, transparency, integrity, and trust.

The United Way’s CEO, John Bernardi, said the award & recognition, is a testament to his organization’s commitment to ethical practices in all aspects of their operations. Bernardi says the United Way has consistently strived to uphold those standards and principles while working to improve the lives of the thousands of people they help in North Country, year-after-year, creating lasting change in the communities they serve in the Clinton, Essex & Franklin Counties region.

The United Way and its 35 partner agencies assist about 80-thousand individuals, families, and kids in the tri-county region every year.