‘ If music be the food of love, play on…” the famous opening line from Shakespeare’s comedy Twelfth Night reconizes that music and love are intimately tied and that a good melody can definitely stir the soul …
Gen’s Delights presents a few concerts that are offered online, in-person or even as a unique gift for a loved one this Valentine’s weekend:
How can we define love ?
This Saturday , February 12th , La Scena Musicale with Don Adiano Sterling and stage director Vivianne Delorme invites the public to come and enjoy an incredible online concert , full of love and passion that will feature the talents of several amazing artists : Giancarlo Scalia, Marie-Andrée Mathieu, Stephane Tetreault, Simon Chausse, Kripa Nageshwar, Raphaëlle Paquette, Jérémie Domenico, Nils Brown, Valerie Poisson, Adam Goulet, Christine Elizabeth and many more…
The concert will certainly celebrate love under all its facets: Each piece represents a distinctive aspect of love: Fom seduction in Carmen’s aria ” L’amour est un oiseau rebelle” to the youthful ardent love expressed by Cherubino in his aria ” Non so piu cosa son”.
Tickets are FREE, please just reserve your spot on the link below and feel free to invite your friends to join the party:
*** Rewatch will be available for 60 days after the start of the event
Send a singing gram to a loved one :

For it’s 12th consecutive year, people across Canada, as well as around the world will be able to place an order for the delivery of a special Singing Valentines Serenade.

This year, 30 professionally trained singers will be offering their talent and time for Valentine’s Day, from Feb. 11th to the 14th, to help raise funds for La Scena Musicale and to give a special gift through song and music.
For a $30-$150 donation, you can provide your loved one with the romantic experience of a lifetime (50% of the donations will be shared with the singers).
Personalized serenades are offered by phone, FaceTime, Zoom and recorded video to ensure good audio quality.
For more information please visit : Valentinesserenades.com
A Nordic Tale: Recital with pianist Jean- Philippe Sylvestre, and the Metropolitain Orchestra led by Yannick Nézet Séguin, – Available online with Webcast on demand until February 13th

The great Romantic-style musical fresco Concerto de Québec, written by Quebec born composer André Mathieu, is a piece that demands virtuosity. Yannick Nézet-Séguin invited Jean- Philippe Sylvestre, the poet of the piano – freshly returned from Paris, to perform this emotionally charged piece in front of a sold-out live audience at the Maison Symphonique last February 11th .
Also on the program was Sibelius Symphony No 4 as well as Isabelle Panneton’s Promenade , a piece commissioned by the Orchestre Métropolitain, showcasing the Quebec composer’s refined harmonic style.
Isabelle PANNETON, Promenade
MATHIEU, Concerto de Québec
SIBELIUS, Symphony No. 4
The concert remains available online until February 13th 2022, HERE:
Treat a loved one to a LIVE concert with the Orchestre Classique de Montreal ( OCM) This Tuesday !

Live concerts are once again open to the public in Montreal !
The OCM led by maestro Boris Brott are thrilled to present the spetacular ÉCHOS DES STEPPES concert next Tuesday the 15th of February at their resident hall: Salle Pierre-Mercure .
The steppes of Eastern Europe have historically given rise to some of the most emotionally rich works of classical music. The OCM is proud to present the world premiere of Ukrainian-Canadian composer Larysa Kuzmenko’s work for string orchestra, entitled Kurelek’s Gallery, which was inspired by the paintings by the eponymous Ukrainian-Canadian painter, William Kurelek.

Czech composer Dvořák brings both joyful and wistful elements to his Serenade for Strings and celebrated Ukrainian composer, Myroslav Skoryk carried the tradition of emotional expression to contemporary times with the evocative Melodiya.
Lastly, Canadian trumpeter Karen Donnelly and Ukrainian-Canadian pianist Serhiy Salov will command the stage in Shostakovich’s Concerto for Piano and Trumpet in C minor.
The concert will be dedicated to Ukraine in support of the current crisis.

At the start of this concert, the OCM will pay tribute to the Honourable Marlene Jennings, the first Black woman from Quebec to be elected to the federal Parliament
On the Program :
- Melodiya, M. Skoryk
- Kurelek’s Gallery, Larysa Kuzmenko ( World Premiere)
- Serenade for Strings, A. Dvořák
- Piano & Trumpet concerto n° 1, op. 35, D. Chostakovitch
Karen Donnelly, trompette / Trumpet
Serhiy Salov, piano
Boris Brott, chef / Conductor
Evgenii Sakmarov, assistant-chef / Assistant Conductor
For more information on the concert, please visit the OCM’s Website :