For next week's Watch & Wonder Highlight, we're thrilled to feature "NOVA: Picture a Scientist." After watching, dive deeper with resources about scientist Raychelle Burks, a chemist and science communicator, on PBS LearningMedia.
For next week's Watch & Wonder Highlight, we're thrilled to feature "American Experience | Sandra Day O’Connor: The First." After watching, dive deeper with resources about Sandra Day O’Connor's historic confirmation as the first female Supreme Court justice on PBS LearningMedia.
Mountain Lake PBS joins with public media partners across New York State to examine the addiction and overdose crisis. The...
For next week's Watch & Wonder Highlight, we're thrilled to feature "Secrets of the Dead: The Woman in the Iron Coffin." After watching, dive deeper with resources about professional careers as an anatomist, forensic reconstruction artist, and scientific illustrator on PBS LearningMedia.
For next week's Watch & Wonder Highlight, we're thrilled to feature "NATURE: The Elephant and the Termite." After watching, dive deeper with resources about why waterholes are important for animal survival on PBS LearningMedia.
Mountain Lake PBS is proud to celebrate Women’s History this March and all year round! March is Women’s History Month! Started...
For next week's Watch & Wonder Highlight, we're thrilled to feature the film "Driving While Black: Race, Space and Mobility in America." After watching, dive deeper with resources about the realities Black Americans had to face during the Jim Crow era as they ventured to navigate the open roads of the United States on PBS LearningMedia.
There are a LOT of stories about how Valentine’s Day got its start, but no matter how it began, it’s...
Start exploring STEM on February 11th for Women and Girls in Science Day! In 2015 the United Nations General Assembly...
Mountain Lake PBS is proud to celebrate Black History this February and all year round! February is Black History Month,...