Agatha Christie was born in Torquay on England’s south coast. In a career spanning over half a century, the prolific...
Al Capone: the quintessential self-made American man, ruthless killer or both? Just his name sparks images of pin-stripe suits and...
The Sketch Artist tells the story of Eve Garance, a remarkable sketch artist with a gift for reading people. As...
Travel to the deserts of Iraq for an archaeological dig, where the famous crime writer unravels a series of mysterious...
Join the iconic duo and the more than 500,000 fans who came out for this once-in-a- lifetime 1981 benefit concert...
Discover the untold story of the couple’s unique relationship and the artistic journey that led to the creation of the...
In this sequel to Magpie Murders, Susan must solve the disappearance of Cecily Treherne by investigating the truth behind a...
This two-part documentary explores the life of one of America’s greatest architects — hated by some, worshipped by others and...
This is the true story of the 1942 sinking of the liner Laconia by a German U-boat through the eyes...
See what happens when idle gossip escalates out of control and starts to affect people’s lives. Set in a picturesque...