Discover the enchanting world of “She’s Late – A Circus Show,” an innovative and thrilling performance that seamlessly blends the...
Parov Stelar, the sensational Austrian musician, producer and electro-swing mixmaster DJ has been making waves in the music industry with...
Montreal music lovers were in for a real treat tonight as the highly anticipated concert “Chaconne and Chocolate: Italian Delights”...
Disney on Ice returns this spring from March 2nd to the 5th at the Bell Centre ! Get ready to...
Buzz Cuivres, the renowned Montreal-based Brass quintet, is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a one-of-a-kind concert. The event, taking place...
Controversial Play ‘What Rough Beast’ Returns to Centaur Theatre for Brave New Looks Selection 2023″
Montreal’s Centaur Theatre is proud to present What Rough Beast, a play written by Alice Abracen and directed by Jessica...
This February, Quebec experienced an intense wave of cold weather that reminded us of the harshness of North American winters...
Tanztheater Wuppertal, one of the most important contemporary dance companies in the world, once directed by the great Pina Bausch,...
The Habitation Expo has returned to the Olympic Stadium in Montreal for its annual event, running from February 9th to...
The latest addition to Old Montreal’s thriving hospitality scene, the pet-friendly Hyatt Centric boutique hotel, has joined forces with the...