In a tale of intrigue, glamour, and high-octane entertainment, Canada’s Drag Race’s reigning monarch, Gisèle Lullaby, is making a triumphant...
Wish you were basking in the sun-kissed charm of the South of France? You’re in for a treat this summer...
Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and immerse yourself in a vibrant celebration of Asian culture and cuisine at...
Bells are ringing once again in Montreal as the sensational French musical, Notre Dame de Paris, returns to the city...
Have you ever wondered what a bird’s eye view truly entails? Prepare to have your senses soar to new heights...
Step into a world where innovation meets creativity, where fashion intertwines with the arts, and where entertainment knows no bounds......
The city of Montreal was brought to life this past weekend with the electrifying beats of country music as the...
Terrebonne is currently celebrating its 350th birthday in grand fashion with Symphonie des Fleurs! In honor of the milestone, a...
This Sunday, July 30th at 1:30 PM, Montreal’s downtown will be set ablaze with artistic fervor as the much-awaited Festival...
The Just for Laughs festival in Montreal is a world-renowned celebration of comedy, entertainment, and laughter. Since its inception in...