Choreographer Rebecca Kelly invites her New York City dancers to Lake Placid every summer, often to present Adirondack audiences with...
Lake Placid is looking once again to host athletes from around the world. Governor Andrew Cuomo, North Country Congresswoman Elise...
In 2009, biologist Larry Master and his wife, Nancy, bought 135 acres of woods, fields, flowing water, and floodplain near...
3 police officers in Lake Placid, NY are being honored for their quick-thinking and heroics. They rushed to the aid...
RARE: Conservation Efforts in the Adirondacks at the Adirondack Research Consoritium Conference was held in Lake Placid, NY to discuss...
The end of an era for an iconic piece of Olympic history. The famed scoreboard at the Olympic Center in...
To get there and back requires a ten-mile hike beginning and ending at Adirondack Loj, near Lake Placid. Yet the...
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