Alan Doyle the seasoned troubadour known for his Celtic-infused melodies and spirited performances, along with his talented guest star Adam...
Get ready to immerse yourself in a world where nature’s wonders come to life like never before. One year after...
Presented for the first time in Montreal from March 5th (opening night) to March 10th, at Salle Wilfrid Pelletier of...
Get ready to experience an unforgettable night of elegance, art, and philanthropy as ballet fans come together to support a...
In a heartfelt homage to the iconic French singer Edith Piaf, Vladimir Kornéev, a Georgian-born singer, pianist, and actor, captivated...
In a whirlwind of rhythm and emotion, Montreal’s Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier welcomes to the stage the dynamic dance cast of “Message...
Disney on Ice returns this spring from 28th of February to March 3rd at Place Bell in Laval ! Chart...
In the heart of Egypt’s ancient marvels lies a monument that has stood the test of time, captivating generations with...
After captivating audiences at the M.A.D Festival last summer, Helmer Joseph, Montreal’s celebrated fashion designer, unveiled his latest collection, “The...
— Danse Danse and the Margie Gillis Dance Foundation are thrilled to announce the upcoming presentation of “Literature of the...