Chaos Decontrol was a unique multidisciplinary artistic event produced and directed by Eris D’Eir and co-founder Bella Rohachova, that took...
The Centaur Theatre is currently showcasing the English version of King Dave, translated and brilliantly performed solely by Patrick Emmanuel...
Whitney Houston’s iconic portrayal of diva Rachel Marron in the 1992 movie adaptation by Mick Jackson is still fondly remembered...
“The Rishta,” written by critically acclaimed novelist, playwright, and teacher Uzma Jalaluddin, and directed by the talented Masha Bashmakova, has...
Le Livart in Montreal is currently hosting a free exhibition that explores the relationship between nature and technology through virtual...
The syrinx, which is the essential organ that allows birds to sing and produce their delightful melodies, shares its name...
This April 11th at Salle Pierre-Mercure, come and enjoy an evening of musical discoveries on the occasion of the Orchestre...
India Rosa is the new destination to try in Montreal’s hip Griffintown neighborhood! I was initially invited to the official...
Tonight the 5th edition of L’Alcôve, an alluring and glamorous burlesque show that features both local and international showgirls is...
If you are a fan of soul, pop, and jazz, then tonight’s highly energetic performance by singer SHAHARAH and her...