The stage is set, the excitement is palpable, and the enchanting world of Jacques Offenbach’s La Périchole is ready to...
In the heart of the Quartier des spectacles, the stage is set, the costumes are ready, and the legendary Cinéma...
The reigning princess of Fado, Carminho, graced Montreal’s Theatre Outremont with a captivating performance last night as part of her...
The global appeal of Asian pop culture, culinary delights, traditional arts, and a growing interest in the unique blend of...
Tonight , in a spectacular evening of music, young and talented singer-songwriter Josh Alexander took to the stage of Montreal’s...
Are you ready to add a dash of excitement to your typical Wednesday evening? Look no further! Ballets Jazz Montréal...
As the curtains rise on the 2023-24 theater season in Montreal, the city’s cultural aficionados are in for a double...
Last Friday, on October 13, at La Maison Symphonique, classical music lovers in Montreal witnessed a mesmerizing journey through the...
*** Article updated post event Yesterday at Montreal’s historical Windsor Station was held an incredible evening that left an indelible...
Are Men really from Mars and Women from Venus ? Play-write David E. BONK and Director Carole B Thomas tries...