Don’t miss Lakeside Murders, the newest crime drama from Walter Presents! Inspector Koskinen and his team as they solve murders...
Derek Muirden
Derek Muirden, Senior Producer Emeritus at MLPBS is a 25 Year veteran Videographer, Writer, Director, And Host of a variety of Award Winning Program series including Roadside Adventures, Roadside Recipes, People Near Here! Mountain Lake Journal EXTRA, Borderless North, as well the national productions “Reach For The Sky” and “A Castle in Every Heart: The Arto Monaco Story.” Derek began producing films and videos in 1959.
Visit the magical world of San Candido, where love, friendship, mysterious pasts, and the unpredictability of nature–animals and people–are intertwined....
Last fall we followed along on a North Country Honor Flight with local veterans to visit the memorials in Washington,...
Mountain Lake PBS remembers our veterans who fought on D-Day with a look back into our archive at Derek Muirden’s...
In his latest People Near Here segment, Derek Muirden introduces us to a photographer who has published a new picture...
A Castle in Every Heart: The Arto Monaco Story, an original Mountain Lake PBS production, is now available on Passport!...
As we get to the peak of fall here in the Adirondacks, here’s a great throwback episode of Roadside Adventures...
Derek Muirden shows us the cool, new, modern way to get to the top of one of the Adirondack’s Highest...
Derek Muirden takes us to a quilt show at the Peru Free Library featuring works by some of the most...
In his latest People Near Here segment, Derek Muirden introduces us to a rustic designer, who along with a team...