The Orchestre de la Francophonie has been preparing young musicians who have graduated from renowned institutions to play a leading...
Feeling tired of staying cooped up at home ? Time to brave to storm and come out to enjoy a...
Last November 9th, the Montreal Classical Orchestra (OCM) under the direction of maestro Boris Brott, opened it’s 82nd season in...
Looking for exciting musical events? Whether you’re a local, new in town, or just passing through as a tourist, you’ll...
To launch their first in-person concert at full capacity in more than two years, the Montreal chamber Orchestra: I Musici...
———————————————————————— Due to the current health measures set in numerous cities,the cultural and creative community has been among the hardest...
Duet for Solo Piano, EVE EGOYAN Eve Egoyan is one of the world’s most sought-after interpreters of contemporary new music...
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