Montreal’s iconic Centaur Theatre is about to transport you into a world where Chekhov meets modern Quebec in its latest...
The incomparable Ronnie Burkett has returned to the stage at Montreal’s Centaur Theatre with his latest production, Little Willy, and...
“The Rishta,” written by critically acclaimed novelist, playwright, and teacher Uzma Jalaluddin, and directed by the talented Masha Bashmakova, has...
There might be 2 feet of snow outside, but the HEAT is ON for those who love to dance to...
With the recent easing of most sanitary measures in the city, more and more spectators have been eager to attend...
As the curtains rise on the 2023-24 theater season in Montreal, the city’s cultural aficionados are in for a double...
The Centaur Theatre is currently showcasing the English version of King Dave, translated and brilliantly performed solely by Patrick Emmanuel...
Controversial Play ‘What Rough Beast’ Returns to Centaur Theatre for Brave New Looks Selection 2023″
Montreal’s Centaur Theatre is proud to present What Rough Beast, a play written by Alice Abracen and directed by Jessica...
The 18th edition of the Montreal BlackFilmFestival created by the Fabienne Colas Foundation, is currently running from the 20th to the 25th of September...
Logic of the worst Wednesday, March 2nd-5th at 7pm Trailer : 1, 2, maybe 3 Wednesday, March 9-12th 7pm Trailer : Wildside...