People in our rapidly moving society are rediscovering the simple pleasures of an ancient pastime, the art of storytelling. Organizers of storytelling events say the steadily growing movement has societal benefits beyond mere entertainment.
In large cities such as Chicago and Houston, and in small towns such as Essex, New York, people have been gathering in public settings to tell each other stories, an activity recently reignited by open-mic poetry readings and story programs such as the Moth Radio Hour.

Thanks to consumer advocate Alex Clark of Plattsburgh, New York, the story gatherings have reached Clinton County. Clark says after the pandemic had halted the public speaking engagements he’d done for his advocacy, he lost his confidence for speaking in front of people. But in 2022, storytelling events he discovered in Essex County helped him gain back that confidence. In 2024 he organized events celebrating the art of storytelling in Plattsburgh, creating a monthly space for people to disclose, captivate and connect. Clark tells Spotlight producer Paul Larson about the many benefits of storytelling events.

You must be at least 21 years old to attend the storytelling evenings in Plattsburgh. SpeakEazy Storytelling Open Mic is produced by Bell Fire Arts Collective. The story evenings begin at 7:00 on the second Wednesday of every month at Old Soul Design Shop in Plattsburgh, located at 124 Margaret Street. The next one is Wednesday, March 13.

Spotlight is made possible, in part, by the Glenn and Carol Pearsall Adirondack Foundation, dedicated to improving the quality of life for year-round residents of the Adirondack Park. Spotlight is also supported by Hill and Hollow Music.