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Special screening at the Strand

Plattsburgh has a new mural this fall, one that celebrates a connection the city has to classical Hollywood.  Artist Brendon Palmer-Angell began painting the mural on September 25th, on the back wall of the old bank building downtown on Brinkerhoff Street.  The Plattsburgh native completed the work in sixteen days.

The mural depicts acclaimed Hollywood actress Jean Arthur, whose life began in Plattsburgh in the year 1900.  She rose to fame in the 1930s, when she appeared in three films directed by Frank Capra, including Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

Outside Art Co-Founders Amy Guglielamo and Julia Devine say their organization partners with groups including the Plattsburgh Sunrise Rotary, to help fund large public art projects in the city. 

The Jean Arthur Mural is the ninth piece commissioned by Outside Art.

You’ll be learning more about both the creation of the mural, and its glamorous subject, in the weeks ahead on Mountain Lake Journal.

For now, you can enjoy Jean Arthur on the big wall, and on the big screen!   Mr. Smith Goes to Washington will play at the Strand Center Theatre in Plattsburgh on Thursday, October 17 at 6:30pm. Head to strandcenter.org for ticket information.

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