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Sign Up For Monthly “New Teacher Collaborative” Workshops

Are you in your first 5 years of teaching? Are you feeling overwhelmed? You are not alone.

Join a collaborative group to help you navigate the challenges you might be facing as you begin your career during such strenuous times. Meet with teachers from across the Adirondack Teacher Center and Franklin-Essex-Hamilton BOCES consortium who are feeling the same pressures as you. Share how your teacher life is going, and get useful tips from veteran teachers while learning about their experiences.

Join in any sessions. Join in for however long is convenient for you.

  • January 18th, 2022
  • February 15th, 2022
  • March 15, 2022
  • May 17, 2022
  • June 14, 2022

To sign up for the New Teacher Collaborative sessions, teachers can register online. After the initial session, follow up sessions will be designed around the topics participants have requested support with. Check back to view upcoming topics.

On January 18th, join the firstNew Teacher Collaborative session. Participants will share what is working well for them and areas where they feel they could use some support. During the session, from 3:00-3:30 PM, Mountain Lake PBS will be sharing information on how PBS LearningMedia — public media’s free, online platform — can support your student’s learning and how the ready made resources are a great way to help plan for a substitute. Mountain Lake PBS will also be providing participants with a classroom goodie bag! 

CTLE Credit will be provided for any time you spend in the sessions. If you are seeking CTLE credit, session facilitators will keep track of your time. Credits will be awarded at the end of June.

About the Organizers

The Community at FEH BOCES

A regional community space hosted by FEH BOCES to bring K12 educators together to harness the power of their collective knowledge, collaborate and brainstorm, and inspire dialogue and conversation as they work together to bring the best learning opportunities to the audience they know best – Adirondack/North Country students and families.

The Adirondack Teacher Center

A non-profit organization dedicated to helping educators in Northern New York achieve excellence in their craft. The Adirondack Teacher Center is located in Franklin Academy, the high school of the Malone Central School District.