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Quien toca, baila : A tango party not to be missed!

Next April 4th at 8:00 p.m., as part of the Captures d’audace en scène series, the Rewild collective proposes <Quien toca, baila,> inviting the public to a real tango happening at the Gesù amphitheatre ( below)


In an era where we dance mainly with our fingers on a keyboard, Rewild portrays genuine human connection.

The collective of 12 passionate musician-dancers will perform original music, inspired by tango and spiced up with jazz beats delivered by a fiery chamber orchestra.

When we can no longer dance, when everything, absolutely everything, has become virtual, will we be able to survive?

Rewild contemplates the announced dystopia and set us straight with great urgency and resonance.

Quien toca, baila is an experiment in the democratization of tango codes within a real exposed setting. The title of the show thwarts the century old rule of tango which stipulates that musicians never dance and that conversely, dancers do not play.

Quien toca, baila> means precisely the opposite: Whoever plays shall also dance!

Rewild, a parity collective from various backgrounds, is composed of Pablo Bonacina, guitarist; Nayiri Piloyan, violinist; Pablo Seib, composer and double bass player; Catherine Chabot, flutist; Sebastian Verdugo, composer and pianist; Amichai Shalev, composer and bandoneonist; Zoé Dumais, violinist; Martin Auguste, percussionist; Beatriz Gabote, violist and singer; and Charles Papasoff, composer, clarinetist and saxophonist.

These outstanding musicians shall accentuate the svelte performance of the internationally renowned dancers Angeles Veron and Albano Goldenberg, who have come directly from Buenos Aires for the show !




TUESDAY April 4th 2023 8:00 pm

For tickets please visit :

Le Gesù (