Plattsburgh in 100 Years!

North Country Residents can view flying cars, robots and other futuristic concepts this month thanks to the work of some young artists in Plattsburgh. 

 At the Strand Center for the Arts kids ages 5 through 18 showcase their visions of Plattsburgh a century from now, in the year 2124. 

The event is designed to bring the community and the kids together to open their eyes in a new and fun way. The exhibit encourages them to observe what’s happening around them.

The art displayed at the main gallery comes from the Strand center art club, Strand art classes and home and school projects. 

The idea to showcase Plattsburgh in 100 years was inspired by the celebration of the Strand center’s 100th birthday. The 2124: Plattsburgh in 100 years art exhibit runs from May 4th through May 25th at the Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, New York.