People Near Here | B-47

On this Memorial Day weekend, a call is going out for volunteers to help restore a historic B-47 Bomber that sits at the entrance to the former Air Force Base in Plattsburgh, that has become a North Country landmark. The B-47 Bomber, and an FB-111 fighter jet were part of the squadrons stationed at the base. In the two decades since the air base closed in 1995, these relics of the Cold War were beginning to show their age. So a group of Air Force retirees, and volunteers from the community, have taken on the task of restoring these aircraft, beginning with the FB-111 last summer. And now, as our Derek Muirden tells us, it’s on to bigger things.
Volunteer/Info on B-47 Restoration Project:
B-47 Restoration website:

Check out Derek’s previous story about the restoration of the FB-111 on the Plattsburgh Air Force Base.

People Near Here is made possible with local support from Valcour Brewing Company, Northern Insuring, and Lake Forest.

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