A critically acclaimed documentary that’s being shown across the nation including at the Strand Theatre in Plattsburgh this past week provides a brutally honest & eye-opening look into the overdose epidemic and families struggling with addiction. Our American Family follows Linda Geraghty and her family through what turns out to be her daughter’s first year of sobriety, as she lives in a recovery house. To raise awareness, Linda and her family welcomed a film crew into their suburban Philadelphia home for an entire year. The documentary Our American Family, is an unfiltered look into the world of addiction and recovery and how Linda’s family tries to break the cycle of generational substance abuse.
Linda Geraghty, joined us for the screening of Our American Family at the Strand Center for the Arts and then sat down for a very candid discussion about the impact that addiction has had on their family.
You can visit the Our American Family website or Facebook page to learn more. The film is available for rent or purchase through several streaming services.