Our Monkton translator virtual channel numbers (previously 25.1, 2 and 3) have been changed to 57.1, 57.2 and 57.3.

News From Home | Les nouvelles de chez nous

Welcome to the new home of our Canadian Friends of Mountain Lake PBS on mountainlake.org!

THANK YOU for over 40 years of viewing and supporting Mountain Lake PBS.

We could not be all that we are without you.  We are true partners in the journey of possibilities that public television offers.  Together we play a leading role in our community’s growth.  Together we give children from all walks of life a leading edge in school, contributing to stronger and more vibrant communities.  Together we can work with local organizations in Montreal and beyond like Vanier College, the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation, McGill University, the Jewish Public Library, the Montreal Arts Centre, the Fraser Hickson Library, les Grands Ballets Canadiens and many more, to make Mountain Lake PBS Canada’s most impactful, engaged and involved PBS station.

Les amis canadiens de Mountain Lake PBS est engagé de renforcer notre présence et impact ici à Montreal et l’au-delà, et de VOUS représenter.  La télévision éducative est un média à la portée de tous, accessible et proche de sa publique.  C’est un media que nous connaissons tous – soit Sesame Street, Downton Abbey, Charlie Rose ou Julia Child.

Canadian Friends of Mountain Lake PBS is committed to strengthening our presence and impact in Montreal and beyond and representing YOU.  Educational television is a medium that is accessible to everyone.  It is a medium which we all know, whether it be Sesame Street, Downton Abbey, Charlie Rose or Julia Child.

We are excited to be working hard in Quebec and Ontario to bring our Canadian viewers and supporters local events, activities and on-air and online content that are specifically directed at them.  We also now have a full-time Canadian employee from Montreal (me!) working hard to make this all happen overnight…. Which may not happen, but with your encouragement, support and contributions, we will have THE BEST PBS station in Canada, ever.  Period!  Point final!

I hope to be in touch with you via this website at least once a month with updates, news about upcoming events in Montreal, Quebec and Ontario, letting you know about what’s coming up in our programming that might be of specific interest to you.

I invite you all to reach out to me any time – it would truly be a pleasure to hear from you and see many of you at our events.

Je vous invite de me contacter en tout temps, ça me fera vraiment plaisir d’avoir vos nouvelles et de vous rencontrer lors de nos événements.  Je vous assure que je ferai de meilleur pour s’assurer que le contenu en français est bien écrit, mais…. Je m’excuse en avance, c’est presque certain qu’il y aura des erreurs de grammaire, conjugaison, masculin/féminin…. Corrigez-en moi!  C’est une apprentissage jointe!

Click here to see a list of only some of our upcoming events in the Montreal area.  We can’t wait to expand further out, and this will come with time, support – and demand from you!  So – make your voices heard.

S’il vous plait suivez ce lien pour voir une liste de juste quel qu’uns parmi nos événements prochains à Montreal.  Nous avons hâte d’élargir notre rayon de programmation, et nous arriverons avec un peu de temps et patience, avec votre appui et vos demandes!  Faites-nous entendre vos voix!

On behalf of everyone at Mountain Lake PBS, I wish you the most wonderful, peaceful and meaningful holiday season, and may 2017 bring joy, sharing and much peace in our world.

De la part de toute la famille de Mountain Lake PBS, je vous souhaite un temps de fêtes rempli de joie, de bonheur et de paix.


(Ms/Mme) Ronit Yarosky | ryarosky@mlpbs.org

Director of Donor Engagement and Partnership Development | Directrice, Relations avec les donateurs et développement de partenariats

Canadian Friends of Mountain Lake PBS | Les Amis canadiens de Mountain Lake PBS

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