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My Own Museum at Home!

Join the worldwide Museum Week celebration!

Museums are places people visit to look at art, explore history, watch performances or experience hands-on activities. These buildings hold big collections of things gathered over many years. If you think about it, our homes are kind of like this!

Let’s put our imaginations to work, and explore our homes like a museum!

Making #MyOwnMuseum


Pick out a few objects in your home that are special to you.
They can be souvenirs from a trip, a special photo, your favorite toy – anything you want!


Think about why you want to show people what you’ve picked, and what you want people to know about it.
Where did it come from? How long have you had it? Will it make them smile, laugh, think really hard?


Take turns giving a “museum tour” by walking around the house, sharing the objects you picked and your descriptions of them.
If it’s hard to remember what you want to say, write your thoughts down. Or, make museum labels! Include info like the object’s name, what it’s made of, its size, the name of the person who made it, and where it came from.

Join our Engagement team – Jen, Logan and Will – as they give us a tour of their Home Museums. Everyone picked three items from around their house to show off. Watch as they describe what those objects are, what they mean to them, where they come from and more!

Do you have some amazing objects in your home that you would love to share with everyone? To join the fun and be included in this post, email us your video or photos at mlpbsREMOVE@mountainlake.org, or join us on social media using #MyOwnMuseum! Tell us all about your own museum objects!

Jen’s #MyOwnMuseum

Logan’s #MyOwnMuseum

Will’s #MyOwnMuseum

Christina’s #MyOwnMuseum