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Murray’s Fools: A Distillery Makes It’s Mark

Our Derek Muirden takes us to a new distillery that’s opened in the North Country, and tells us why it’s named after a famous writer.

The distillery is producing its spirits in small batches to start, so distribution is limited, however, you can visit their website at Murray’s Fools Distillery for a list of local and regional restaurants and liquor stores that carry the brand. Also, you can learn more about a June 8th Open House being held at the distillery. It will feature free tastings, food, and live music. It’s taking place from 2-to-8pm on Saturday June 8th at Murrays Fools Distillery on Rand Hill Road in Altona, New York. Reservations are recommended, you can do that on their website.

For more information on the distillery and the open house on June 8th: www.murraysfoolsdistilling.com