A screening of the Ken Burns Documentary Hiding in Plain Sight was...
Mountain Lake PBS joins with public media partners across New York State to focus on youth mental health and suicide prevention.
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Past Programming | Sept 22 - Oct 5
A week of special public media programming across New York State focused on the importance of youth mental health.
9/22 at 8:30 PM — New York Now (repeats 9/23 at 1:30 PM, 9/24 at 10:30 AM, 9/27 at 5 PM)
9/25 at 1 PM — My Ascension (repeats 9/26 at 3 PM)
9/25 at 2 PM — Scattering CJ
9/25 at 10 PM — Hiding in Plain Sight pt. 1 (repeats 9/26 at 4, 9/27 at1)
9/28 at 1 PM — Now Return us to Normal
9/28 at 2:30 PM — Our Time: Teen Mental Health
9/29 at 8 PM — Mountain Lake Journal (repeats 9/30 at 7:00 PM, 10/1 at 5:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 10/2 at 5:30 PM)
9/29 at 8:30 PM — New York Now (repeats 9/30 at 1:00 AM, 7:30, 10/1 at 10:30 AM, 10/2 at 5 PM)
9/30 at 5 PM — Connect NY (repeats 10/1 at 12:00 PM)
10/2 at 10 — Hiding in Plain Sight pt. 2 (repeats 10/3 at 4 PM, 10/4 at 1 PM)
10/5 at 1 PM — Facing Suicide
10/5 at 2:30 PM — Breaking Lonliness
Funding for this initiative is provided in part by the New York State Education Department.