Did you know that there are over 17,000 kids in foster care in New York State with 69 children coming into care every day?
During the month of May, organizations across the country help raise awareness for the critical need for foster parents. Learn about programs in the North Country that support foster care initiatives, and the resources they offer current and prospective foster parents, with the organization profiles below.
Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth

Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth was founded in 1886 with a focus of healing and strengthening children in a family setting. Today, that mission continues: to strengthen children and families so they can live safely, independently, and productively within their home communities. Learn about Berkshire’s foster care program, how to become a foster parent, and check out the Berkshire Blog to hear what it’s like to be a foster family.
During the month of May, individuals, groups and businesses can also show their support and help bring awareness to the need for foster parents across New York State by pledging to Go Purple for Berkshire!
Child Care Coordinating Council of the North Country

Child Care Coordinating Council of the North Country (CCCCNC) is a non profit agency working to support and strengthen families and childcare professionals throughout the North Country area.
CCCCNC provides the Permanency Resource Center and Kinship Program for foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers seeking resources for support, advocacy, and assistive services. This program is offered to families in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, and St. Lawrence Counties and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe.