Take advantage of this week’s Learning at Home broadcast schedule – great for students engaged in hybrid or distance instruction, and families looking to spend some extra, quality time together!
After watching these fascinating programs, explore the PBS LearningMedia and web resources to learn more.
Highlight of the Week
Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World
Friday, November 13, 1 PM
Go on epic journey across nine countries and over 1,400 years of history to explore the stories behind the masterworks of Islamic art and architecture. See the richness of Islamic art in objects big and small, from great ornamented palaces and the play of light in monumental mosques, to the exquisite beauty of ceramics, carved boxes, paintings, and metal work.
- Program page
- PBS LearningMedia: Water in Islamic Art
Learning at Home
Week of 11/09 – 11/13
Monday, November 9
1 PM: NATURE: Primates | Secrets of Survival

Monkey see, monkey do. From baboons facing down leopards, to lemurs exploiting a jungle pharmacy or rhesus macaques charming their way to an easy life, discover the survival strategies used by primates, often in the most unexpected places.
- Program page
- PBS LearningMedia: Scientist Profile: Primate Scientist
2 PM: NOVA: Colosseum Roman Death Trap

One of the ancient world’s most iconic buildings, the Colosseum is a monument to Roman imperial power and cruelty. Its graceful lines and harmonious proportions concealed a highly efficient design and advanced construction methods. Now, archaeologists and engineers are teaming up to recreate a 25-foot lifting machine and trap door system capable of releasing a wolf into the Colosseum’s arena for the first time in 1,500 years. Do they have what it takes to replicate the innovation and ingenuity of the Romans?
- Program page
- PBS LearningMedia: Building Wonders | Constructing the Colosseum with Models
Tuesday, November 10
1 PM: Secrets of the Dead: Abandoning the Titanic

Join a team of investigators as they search for the identity of the captain of a “mystery ship” that turned away from the “unsinkable” Titanic in its darkest hour, abandoning thousands of lives to the icy waters and their deaths.
- Program page
- PBS LearningMedia: The Ship Titanic Sinks in the North Atlantic | Teaching with Primary Sources
2 PM: History Detectives: Hindenburg Artifact

A New Jersey man has a green metal box that looks like an instrument panel. Family lore says a relative was among the many bystanders plucking items from the Hindenburg wreckage. Was this item recovered from the crash site? Host Elyse Luray travels to Atlanta and the New Jersey landing site of the ill-fated zeppelin to determine if the instrument panel is in fact from the horrifying crash.
- Program page
- PBS LearningMedia: Ideal Gas Problems | Crash Course Chemistry
Wednesday, November 11
1 PM: Korea: The Never-Ending War

Shedding new light on a geopolitical hot spot, the film — written and produced by John Maggio and narrated by Korean-American actor John Cho — confronts the myth of the “Forgotten War,” documenting the post-1953 conflict and global consequences.
- Program website
- PBS LearningMedia: The Korean War in Pictures | Korea: The Never-Ending War
Thursday, November 12
1 PM: Fly Boys: Western Pennsylvania’s Tuskegee Airmen

The story of struggle and the ultimate triumph of the brave African American soldiers who served their country during World War II. The film chronicles the “Tuskegee Airmen” program, a controversial military initiative designed to measure African-Americans’ competence for flying the engines of war. This fascinating documentary features the stories of the more than 40 aviators from western Pennsylvania, including the pilots, navigators and bombardiers who flew fighter and bomber planes during the war, as well as the maintenance and support staff, instructors and personnel who kept the planes in the air.
- Program page
- PBS LearningMedia: Tuskegee Airmen Experiences in World War II
2 PM: D-Day: Over Normandy

Narrated by New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick, this documentary focuses on the personal stories of those who served in the Second World War. It was filmed exclusively by drone camera on location on some of the most iconic locations in Normandy, France. The modern-day aerial footage is accompanied by interviews with World War II veterans, mixed with archival footage of the June 6, 1944 ‘D-Day’ invasion, along with newly created maps and photo animations.
- Program website
- PBS LearningMedia: D-Day Invasion
Friday, November 13
1 PM: Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World

Go on an epic journey across nine countries and over 1,400 years of history to explore the stories behind the masterworks of Islamic art and architecture. See the richness of Islamic art in objects big and small, from great ornamented palaces and the play of light in monumental mosques, to the exquisite beauty of ceramics, carved boxes, paintings, and metal work.
- Program page
- PBS LearningMedia: Islamic Art | Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
2:30 PM: Georgia O’Keeffe: A Woman on Paper

Georgia O’Keeffe: A Woman on Paper, highlights the artist’s career while focusing on the little-known story of O’Keeffe’s time spent in Columbia, S.C., as an art instructor at Columbia College. The program follows O’Keeffe’s career through various artistic stages, ending permanently in New Mexico, where she created more realistic paintings with vivid color.
- Program page
- PBS LearningMedia: Elements of Art: Texture | National Gallery of Art