As learning at home continues, PBS has now made Ken Burns’ award-winning films available for free.

Ken Burns and his collaborators have been creating historical documentary films for more than forty years. Known for a signature style that brings primary source documents, images, and archival video footage to life on screen, these films present the opportunity to pose thought-provoking questions for students, and introduce new ideas, perspectives, and primary sources.
In efforts to help with at-home learning through the duration of the COVID-19 shutdown, PBS is providing viewers with free access to the Ken Burns: In the Classroom collection, accessible through the PBS LearningMedia website. The collection includes 300+ films categorized by either film category or era along with 150+ PBS LearningMedia resources to ease and enhance learning.
As of Monday, “Jazz,” “The Roosevelts” and “College Behind Bars” are available through the website. Later in April “The Civil War,” “The Dust Bowl,” “The War” and “National Parks: America’s Best Idea” will be added.
Live Discussion with Ken Burns

Teachers! Join us TONIGHT on Wednesday, April 29 at 7pm ET for an exclusive live chat with award winning director Ken Burns.
With Ken Burns and PBS Digital Innovator All Stars David Olson, Larissa Wright-Elson and Paige Somoza, you’ll be able to explore creative ways to bring history to life for your students. The discussion is live, so participants will be able to ask Ken Burns and fellow educators questions in real time. To register and for more information, click here.