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Katie Markham returns to Montreal for Someone Like You-The Adele Songbook

Following the success of her amazing 2018 Adele Tribute Concert – Someone Like You – The Adele Songbook , the amazing Katie Markham is back in “La Belle Province” to re-create the magic of her first tour – just in time for Valentine’s weekend !

Montreal Concert dates:

Feb 13 – 8pm     Club Soda
Feb 14 – 8pm     Club Dix30 / Brossard

Feb 15 – 8pm    Le Capitole / Quebec

Academy Award winner, Artist of the Year, 100 Greatest Women in Music, TIME’s most influential woman…The accolades continue for singer songwriter Adele.  With millions of records sold worldwide, we can’t help but fall under the charm of her numerous love ballads that speak about hope , lost and dreams…

When X Factor finalist Katie Markham was hand selected by Adele to appear in the BBC Adele Special presented by Graham Norton, she never dreamed she would be both singing live with her idol on stage in London and launching a brand-new touring show, all within a year!

Now, Katie is touring America for a second time. With 2020 marking 12 years since the sensational debut album 19 was released, Katie Markham brings her unbelievable performance to theatres across Asia, the UK, Europe and Canada, recreating the magic that the legendary Adele started in 2008.

Katie states: “There is a real beauty to Adele’s music. I think that’s why it appeals to so many people, she lays raw emotion out for all the world to see.”

Come and experience this immaculate concert production that will recreate the magic of Adele’s music from her three hit albums – 19, 21 and 25 – reminding audiences why they first fell in love with her beautiful music twelve years ago.

Featuring the smash hits Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel my Love, Set Fire to the Rain, Someone Like You, Rolling in the Deep, Hello, the multi-million hit Skyfall, as well as featuring a selection of songs by some of the legends that inspired Adele, Someone Like You is the quintessential show for any fan of Adele.

Gen’s Delights had the pleasure to interview Katie Markham about her thoughts on the music industry and her own personal journey:

  Hello Katie,  welcome back to Montreal and thanks for taking the time to answer some questions for MLPBS / Gen’s Delights

People often say that Love Songs are the backbone of popular music…You will be recreating the magic of Adele’s music from her three hit albums – 19, 21 and 25 –  Whether it is about heartbreak, loneliness or longing, Adele’s love song repertoire spans a large range of emotions that are deeply tied to personal happenings in the singer’s life. How do you connect to her songs ? Do you draw energy from personal experiences or try and get “into her mindset?  Are you currently working on any solo musical projects ?  

I am so happy to be back visiting Montreal as it was a fantastic experience last time around. I would say that one of the main aspects as to why her music is so compelling to me , IS the fact that those very personal events that shape her songs are actually universal. Everyone has experienced a broken heart or felt the pain of loss at some point in their lives -which is why people are drawn into her songs.

In actual fact , I find it very easy to lose myself in the moment and sometimes I have to stop myself from welling up in tears when singing a particularly emotional song. 

I am currently working with a few people to produce some original songs . So far it has been a fantastic experience! It has also been a great journey working out who I am as a singer – songwriter after singing the songs of Adele for such a long time. 

 Adele’s recent physical transformation has been making headlines in the entertainment field with a focus on the potential harm of glorifying sudden weight loss.  
  – How important is body image in the music industry ? Can and does one’s weight affect the quality of vocal rendition ? What attitude should singers try to adopt to discuss weight and body image issues and promote health ?

I think body image is given far too much significance in the music and TV industries. Adele has been criticized in the past for being overweight and now she is getting negative press for losing weight. You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. With regards to her weight loss, I think it has actually been a gradual thing over the last few years and has been cited as something she wanted to do for herself and family. The media should really leave this aspect of her life alone as it does not have an impact on her music.

 In terms of weight vs. quality of rendition, I really don’t think there is a correlation. I think it has more to do with having proper technique and correct breathing. I believe we are all individuals and everyone has the right to enjoy life as they wish. I don’t really think singers or anyone in the public eye should have to discuss weight and body issues. I also believe we should all be educated correctly from an early age about how to lead a healthy life. Hopefully then we all would be armed with the right information to make the correct decisions for ourselves.

I would like to thank Katie Markham for her time in answering my questions.

You can catch Katie Markham’s upcoming Adele tribute concerts in Montreal this :

Feb 13 – 8pm     Club Soda<

Feb 14 – 8pm     Club Dix30 / Brossard

1-855-790-1245 and<>

And in Quebec city :

Feb 15 – 8pm    Le Capitole / Quebec