Interview With Filmmaker of The Last Inhabitant

For decades ethnic fighting between Armenia and its neighbor, Azerbaijan, has killed tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, and forced thousands and thousands of families to flee their homeland.

Armenian Filmmaker Jivan Avetisyan has made more than 20 films and documentaries about the conflict in his homeland of Artsakh. This weekend, one of his feature films will premiere for the first time on Public Television here in the US.

The Last Inhabitant tells the story of an Armenian father, who stays behind as other Armenians are forced to leave their homeland. The film is based on a true story and shows how Armenians who live in the beautiful, mountainous Artsakh region have suffered tremendously for more than 30-years during this conflict.

Watch the North American premiere of The Last Inhabitant on Saturday, April 23rd, at 9pm on Mountain Lake PBS.

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