Imagine watching a film in your own home, then turning to the filmmakers to answer all your questions about it. Mountain Lake PBS devoted donor Susan Heller enjoyed that opportunity recently in Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, and invited 15 of her friends to attend the screening. Heller, who often hosts dinners and community events on her farm, hosted a screening of the Mountain Lake PBS documentary Arts in Exile: Tibetan Treasures in Small Town America. The program, about a Tibetan arts festival in Plattsburgh, New York, raises questions about the plight of Tibetans living outside their home country. Film producer Paul Larson introduced the program, and answered questions about its creation afterwards. Joining him was Plattsburgh restaurant owner Tenzin Dorjee, who spoke about the problems Tibetans face while their country is under occupation. Director of Donor Engagement and Partnership Development Ronit Yarosky arranged the screening.