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Help Build a Kinder, More Caring World

“The world needs a sense of worth, and it will achieve it only by its people feeling that they are worthwhile.” — Fred Rogers

Each year, you and your family can help promote the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world on World Kindness Day. Observed on November 13th, this international celebration gives us the opportunity to practice kindness alongside other skills like empathy, understanding, and inclusiveness — all of which are stepping stones to becoming a caring person.

This World Kindness Day, tell a loved one how much they mean to you, help out a friend or neighbor, do an emotional check-in with a sibling, or be a good sport by including a coworker or classmate in an activity you enjoy. Parents and caregivers can also take time to talk with our children about what to do if our their feelings are hurt, or someone else’s, and how our actions affect others.

Help promote kindness and model positive relationships using the picture books, articles, games andactivities below!

Promoting Kindness at Home & in the Classroom

Kindness in the Classroom

Grades PreK-K
Kindness in the Classroom is a multi-part video series designed to give educators insight into the positive impacts of teaching mindfulness in a classroom setting. The series focuses on implementing the Kindness Curriculum; a free 24-lesson mindfulness guide designed for pre-k and kindergarten classrooms, researched and developed by the Center for Healthy Minds at UW-Madison.

Raising Includers: 5 Tips to Help Your Kids Be Kind and Compassionate

Grades PreK-5
When kids learn to empathize with others and show compassion for their peers, being an “includer” becomes automatic. Here are five ways to help your child learn to include others.

Creating an Emotionally Supportive Home Environment

Grades PreK-5
Children need a safe space to share and a calming guide to listen and empathize. Follow these tips for how you can build an emotionally supportive home for your family.

How to Raise a Caring Child

Grades PreK-5
Teaching our kids to care is one of our most important jobs as parents. It takes time and lots of practice to learn kindness. When we show kindness by example and also address the barriers to kind action, we help our kids learn to make caring choices.

Books, Activities & Games

Kindness Loops

Grades PreK-K
Kindness Loops are interlocking paper loops that help children understand how to show kindness. Make Kindness Loops together, or a child can make them on their own.

13 Children’s Books That Celebrate Different Ways to Show You Care

Grades PreK-4
Reading can help kids celebrate the different ways people express their love. We’ve gathered some children’s books that show everyday acts of love and kindness. Visit your local library to enjoy these books that share special ways to show friends, family, and your community that you care.

Kindness Bingo

Grades K-3
This World Kindness Day, encourage your child to be kind by completing Kind Acts Bingo! Sharing toys, mailing someone a letter or helping your teacher are all wonderful ways to be kind.

Give Awards to Everyday Heroes

Grades K-4
Help your child understand what a makes someone a hero, and encourage them to create awards for the heroes in their life.

Community Service: Teaching Kindness for Kindness’ Sake | PBS NewsHour

Grades 6-12
Ask students to reflect on the meaning of empathy and kindness. In this daily news story, PBS NewsHour Extra looks at the impact and meaning of community service and why the winter break may be a more challenging time for students than many people may realize. Read the Teachers’s Lounge piece, ‘Opinion: Don’t assume that every student had a fun or warm holiday break,’ out loud first and use the additional Support Materials for classroom activity tips.