Get Involved with the ADK Diaper Bank’s Spring Diaper Drive

It’s not too late to donate, volunteer, or help spread the word about the ADK Diaper Bank’s spring Diaper Drive!

ADK Diaper Bank, a nonprofit serving families in New York’s North Country, collects and distributes diapers with the mission of ensuring that no child in our community goes without clean diapers—a basic necessity for the healthy development of babies and toddlers. This spring, ADK Diaper Bank is hosting a spring Diaper Drive! The Drive runs from May 12th through June 16th.

Donate new boxes or open packages of diapers your little one has outgrown to the following drop-off locations:

  • Kinney’s shops
  • Mountain Lake PBS
  • Plattsburgh Public Library
  • Champlain Center Mall

Looking for other ways to get involved? You can help spread the word during the Drive or host a Mini-Drive at your workplace or in your social circle. For information on future diaper drives, volunteer opportunities, and more, check out the ADK Diaper Bank on Facebook and sign up for their email list.

ADK Diaper Bank

ADK Diaper Bank collects and distributes diapers to families in New York’s North Country. The mission of ADK Diaper Bank is to ensure that no child in our community goes without clean diapers—a basic necessity for the healthy development of babies and toddlers. ADK Diaper Bank is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.

ADK Diaper Bank distributes diapers through the JCEO Food Pantry in Plattsburgh, NY located at 54 Margaret Street. Pick-up is available Monday 9am-12pm, Wednesday-Thursday 12-3pm, and Friday 11am-2pm. Diapers in packages of 25 are available in all sizes.