With schools closed – it’s not business as usual this year, however Spring has definitely sprung and Easter hasn’t been cancelled! 🐣 For kids staying home with their parents, life continues!
Gen’s Delights proposes below several fun sites and activities to explore with your family to make Easter and Passover fun and educative:
Create your own home Chocolate Rally – hosted by Cominar

18 Cominar shopping centres are now offering an online educational chocolate rally in collaboration with Opération Enfant Soleil (Officiel) and Freddo Canada chocolate – by providing you with all the materials necessary to create your own rally in your home or backyard!
Two different level kit versions are available for easy downloading and printing of material at home.
Each file includes:
– Instructions for parents
– The images of the major steps of the rally
– The questionnaire sheet created by Freddo
– The certificate of success awarded by Henriette
Download the version that best fits your children’s age for free.
Preschool-aged version (2 to 4 years old) : bit.ly/chocolaterallypreschool
School-aged version (5 to 10 years old) :
Psst! All participants are eligible for a chocolate surprise. 🍫 You will be invited to come retrieve your surprise once the Cominar shopping centers reopen their doors! You only need to sign up here: surveymonkey.ca/r/CominarChocolateRally
The GREAT Online Easter Egg hunt !

The Whitefish Assembly in Montana has created a really awesome Virtual Easter egg hunt! Adults and kids can freely search for over a 1000 eggs hidden around the building HERE
Fleury Promenade Coco Egg hunt

For French speakers, The annual coco hunt hosted by Fleury Promenade is now offered online to allow you to participate in the comfort of your home! 🐰
Starting Friday, April 10, visit their Facebook Page HERE and answer their online puzzles. For Montreal locals, send in your answers no later than Sunday, April 12th for a chance to win many fantastic prizes from their various businesses – delivered directly to your home!
Good luck to all!
Happy Hunting !
For those looking for non-Easter related activities , here are a couple of activity suggestions guaranteed to entertain for hours:
A world of music- at your fingertips !

Radio Garden: http://listen.radio.garden/
A free interactive map of live radio stations across the globe. Simply click on the link above and zoom and rotate to explore over 8500 live radio stations in various cities around the world.
Digital Wizardry !
Escape rooms are ideal for those who wish to work together to solve clues and puzzles, crack codes, and generally figure your way out of various rooms within an allotted time frame.
The introduction of magic to a scenario is bound to make it even more spellbinding!

The “Hogwarts Digital Escape Room” launched by the University of Pennsylvania, welcomes you to your first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . Try it for free : HERE
Mobile devices afford additional virtual Potter playtime. “Harry Potter Wizards Unite,” an augmented reality game is available now as well as the “Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery,” as well. Finally, a brand-new mobile experience is set to materialize soon: “Harry Potter Puzzles & Spells.”

The Montreal Sciences Center invites you and your family to
1. Build the longest chain reaction.
2. Film it.
3. Share it in the comments section on their Facebook Page HERE
4. Invite your friends to the challenge.
Watch the expert, Olivier explain how to build a chain in this YouTube clip 👇
Enjoy free classical concerts online:

During this period of isolation , the Orchestre Classique de Montreal OCM is pleased to introduce their new 2020-21 season, in an innovative, creative and unprecedented way!
Starting Tuesday, April 7, they are presenting virtual concerts live streamed on their Facebook page every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., with a guest artist from their upcoming season. Each 45-minute performance will reveal the details of the programming for each of the 2020-21 concerts.
The artists are definitely looking forward to transporting you and your family into their musical universes. ✨🎶