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Flood Emergency Preparedness

A ribbon-cutting ceremony held in Ausable Forks this past week celebrated the completion of two major projects to help the Town of Jay be better prepared to handle future disasters, including flooding, that will likely come from more extreme weather caused by climate change.
The projects were made possible with the help of nearly $2 million dollars from the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery. One is a new kitchen, and updated bathrooms and showers at the Jay Community Center, which, when needed in a crisis, will become the Town’s emergency shelter. The other project helped restore a 12-miles section of the Ausable River.
Community leaders hope this project & others to come will help reduce the threat of flooding like the ice jams that backed up the Ausable just this past February. And now the Ausable River Association has gotten word it will be receiving $2 million more, in federal money, to continue its work for a similar project restoring upper sections of the East Branch of the Ausable River in Keene.
Learn more: www.ausableriver.org