If you are currently visiting or staying in Montreal, the city is in full festival mode: From circus arts, film, music to dazzling fireworks, there are dozens of amazing (and often free!) festivals and events that are sure to please your entire family.
Let’s explore three festivals that you will certainly not want to miss!

Montréal Complètement Cirque
(July 4th to the 14th, 2019),
Cirque du Soleil’s latest revival production of Alegria , shown under the Big Top at the Old Port of Montreal until July 21st , has certainly set the bar high for circus arts here in the city.
For those who wish to admire dazzling feats of strength, agility and dexterity taken to the streets, you have to head to rue Saint- Denis where numerous contortionists, jugglers, clowns and even trapeze artists give free outdoor performances daily.
Started in 2010 by local circus company Tohu, “Complètement Cirque” , showcases talented Montreal artists who perform and educate others to the world of circus arts.
Staged shows are also available at a cost under the TOHU tent, Salle Pierre Mercure, Theatre Saint Denis and other notable auditoriums around the city

For a complete list of their programming please visit:

Fantasia International Film Festival
(Jul 11th – Aug 1st 2019 )
Do you crave innovative, creativity, and somewhat over the top cinematography? If yes, then you need to learn about Montreal’s International Fantasia Film Festival – the top genre film festival in all of North America.
From retro martial arts, animation, alternative documentaries, dark comedies, fantasy, gore, science fiction, suspense and Asian horror, there’s a film genre for everyone to enjoy!
For their 23rd edition, the festival boasts free master classes, a book launch and an impressive line-up of over 75 directors, producers and actors from around the world that are usually more than happy to answer questions from guests in the auditorium and have been known to regularly grab an after-screening drink with their fans at the local Mckibbin’s Irish Pub .

The festival is proud to present the North American premiere of SADAKO (above), from Iconic Horror Japanese director Hideo Nakata as their official opening film this July 11th.
Be sure to visit their website for a complete list of all their films, meet and greets and special events.

Montréal Fireworks Festival – L’International des Feux Loto-Québe 2019
(Jun. 29th to Jul. 27th)
A literal sight to behold! Since 1985, Montreal has been host to this pyrotechnics competition- unique of its kind in the world.
The 35th edition of this dazzling competition held its inaugural 2019 show: THROWNBACK 85, directly from the basin at La Ronde amusement park (THE best location to view the entire splendor of the fireworks).
Every Saturday night (and some Wednesdays), Montrealers are privy to 30 minutes of continuous colorful explosions, paired with themed music from the various participant countries who battle it out on a grand aerial scale to produce the most vibrant, unique patterned and rhythmic light show on earth!
At La Ronde amusement park you can reserve dual tickets for park admission and reserved viewing seats with or without VIP access to an open bar. You can also secure great, free viewing spots directly above from atop the Jacques Cartier Bridge or along the walkway at The Old Port of Montreal.

Here is a complete list of past and up-coming viewing dates:
Saturday June 29, 2019 …… OPENING
Wednesday July 3, 2019…… South Korea
Saturday July 6, 2019……….. Italy
Wednesday July 10, 2019….. Portugal
Wednesday July 17, 2019….. United States
Saturday July 20, 2019……….. Canada
Wednesday July 24, 2019……. Australia
Saturday July 27, 2019………….Casino of Montreal Finale
For information of reserved seating at La Ronde please visit :
Special thanks to Monica Wong for the fireworks pictures .