The Wildlife Refuge and Rehabilitation Center is expanding its care for the animals, and its outreach to the public.Guest host Paul Larson will take us on a tour of the Wilmington, New York center in on Mountain Lake Journal next week.
Viewers will see many animals who serve as education ambassadors, and the people who care for them. In the meantime, enjoy this video from Mountain Lake PBS intern Madison Spear, showcasing some of the animals we saw at the center recently.
The episode will also feature information about a new building being planned for the refuge, an education center dedicated to a young woman named Kayla Hanczyk, who was a friend to animals and an outdoor enthusiast before she lost her life at age 25 to rare form of cancer.
Join us for this special episode of Mountain Lake Journal on Friday, September 27 at 8pm and Saturday, September 28 at 7pm.
Kayla Hanczyk