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Educators: November 5-9 | KQED Media Literacy Educator Certification

Teaching students to think critically about the media is more important than ever! Empower your students to be smart consumers and producers of media. Develop your media literacy skill set with free, online PD from @KQEDEducation or apply to become a PBS Certified Literacy Educator. 

The PBS Media Literacy Educator Certification by KQED recognizes educators who excel in creating and implementing instruction with media, and provides support to help all teachers accelerate these skills.

According to the National Association for Media Literacy Education, a media literate person is defined as one who possesses the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create and act using all forms of communication. By building on the foundations of traditional literacy, media literacy becomes a practical skill that allows educators to contribute to conversations and communities of practice. Developing and honing these skills across several forms of media and communication are especially important for students in the modern classroom.

For more information on the certification and the program behind it click here!