Durkee Street Project Update

The long-delayed Durkee Street project in downtown Plattsburgh will be going back before City Councilors in the coming months. Mayor Chris Rosenquest says after years of litigation, the legal battle is over for the Prime development that was awarded $4-million dollars to build a 110-unit apartment complex in the Durkee Street lot. The developers are now scrapping their original plans.

Opponents from the Plattsburgh Citizens Coalition, a group of residents and business owners, filed a lawsuit arguing the city didn’t do a sufficient-enough environmental review. After years of litigation, the developer is changing course on the project. But to what remains unclear. John Seiden, who owns the building directly across from the Durkee Street parking lot, says the Plattsburgh Citizens Coalition wants Prime to set its sights on more parking and more of a mixed-use building. The Mayor says Prime’s new plan should be before the Common Council for a vote sometime this summer or later this year.