Clinton Community College’s New Home

This week, Clinton Community College has a new administrator in charge, following the resignation of John Kowal, who stepped down as president this past week. The board of trustees has named Ken Knelly to lead the school. Knelly began his career at SUNY Plattsburgh in 2014 and has worked in the president’s office since 2017. He is currently the chief of staff at SUNY Plattsburgh. Knelly has been spearheading efforts to move Clinton Community College onto the SUNY Plattsburgh campus by the fall of next year, 2025, and the school says plans have now been approved to base Clinton Community College at Redcay Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh’s former business school building, on the Corner of Beekman & Court Streets across from Hawkins Hall.
Also, the Center for the Study of Canada, next door, is being relocated from its long-time home, as part of Clinton’s move to campus. Chris Kirkey, the director of the Center for the Study of Canada and Institute on Quebec Studies, says they have been told that the move will take place immediately after commencement in May of 2025. So far, no word from SUNY Plattsburgh what locations on campus are being considered for the Center’s new home.